The Winter Feast: Sustaining Your Garden's Wildlife with Mealworms and Calciworms
Posted on November 24 2023,

As the leaves fall and the frost begins to settle, the once abundant sources of food for our garden wildlife start to dwindle. It's during these frosty months that our feathered friends and other garden visitors need our help the most to survive the harsh conditions. This is where mealworms and calci worms come into play, serving as a lifeline for a variety of creatures, from the tiniest blue tit to the nocturnal hedgehog.
Nutritional Virtues of Mealworms
Mealworms have long been recognised as a staple in the diet of garden birds. Full of protein, they provide a substantial energy boost to wildlife. During the winter, these insects become even more crucial. They're not just for the birds, though. Hedgehogs, which might be preparing for hibernation, and other mammals, can benefit from these protein-packed treats too.
Calci worms: A Calcium-Rich Supplement
Calci worms, which are the larvae of the black soldier fly, are an excellent source of calcium – a vital mineral for bone health and digestion. They are especially beneficial for birds, aiding in the development of strong beaks and eggshells, an important factor during the breeding season which follows the winter months. Calci worms are also eagerly consumed by other wildlife, offering a diverse range of nutrients.
Feeding Guidance for the Winter Months
When feeding wildlife in winter, it's important to remember a few key points. Firstly, ensure that feedings are regular to provide a consistent food source. However, be careful not to overfeed, as this can lead to dependency. Secondly, provide a fresh supply of water, as natural sources may be frozen. Lastly, mealworms and calci worms can be prone to freezing, too, so consider an insulated feeding station or distribute them during the warmer parts of the day.
Homemade Feeders and Distribution Points
Creating your own feeders can be a delightful winter project. Simple hanging feeders for birds can be made from recycled materials, while ground feeders for mammals can be as straightforward as a dish placed in a secluded, sheltered part of your garden. Remember to place these feeding stations away from places where predators can easily ambush the wildlife.
Ecosystem Advantages
By supplementing the diets of garden wildlife with mealworms and calci worms, you're not only aiding their survival but also contributing to the health of your local ecosystem. Birds play a crucial role in pest control and pollination, while hedgehogs keep the slug population in check. A healthy wildlife population leads to a balanced and thriving garden.
As we wrap up warm for winter, let's not forget the wildlife that brings our gardens to life. A little help from us can go a long way in ensuring the survival and health of our feathered, spiky, and furry friends. So, scatter some mealworms and calci worms, and watch as your garden becomes a hub of winter activity.