National Nest Box Week
Posted on February 15 2023,

It’s easy to love your garden in June, all those butterflies and blackbirds, blue tits and bees, not to mention the glorious sunshine, but February is a different matter. Lawn frozen and a mass of leaves and rugged weeds, and everywhere you look, something begging to be pruned. Valentine’s Day can be the moment when you first smell Spring on the air and it’s the perfect time to get an early start, even if you are just jotting it all down in the book.
February 14th is also the start of National Nest Box Week, organised by The British Trust for Ornithology, it happens every year between 14th and 21st of February. Perfect timing because now is the time, with the first flush of Spring that the birds get busy. For the birds on the lookout for that very special home, beautiful nesting boxes can be found in all garden centres, or you can build one yourself.

Whatever you decide, our range of bird food, from mealworms or peanuts to niger seed or fat balls, will help to give birds the energy to nest and prefer your garden to your neighbours!
You might like to see if you can help the nesting process along by keeping the tiny, light twigs from pruning and scattering them on shrubs and lawns… you can always throw the ball of hair from your hairbrush into the garden for the ground nesters in the shrubs. It disappears in seconds.

Gifts for Valentine’s Day
And, as it’s also Valentine’s Day, and your beloved is a garden lover, a new bird house or table, complete with some enticing Walter’s bird food is the perfect gift! If you want to splash out, a bird bath, is guaranteed to be a target for every feathered visitor in the area, especially if you sprinkle the outskirts with our niger seeds!